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Graphics 2




Size: 8.5''x11''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator


Ideas: I wanted to do a self-portrait with neon colors to represent the 80s.


Process: I drew a silhouette of myself but only my hair, hoodie, and necklace. Bright magenta silhouette with a dark purple background.




Size: 11''x8.5''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: My object was based on a cylinder, so I had the idea of making a cookie jar to represent the principles of design.


Process: I made a cookie car spilling cookies that have the principles of design on them. They are also splashing into a pool of milk which was very complex to design. The color is also complementary colors of orange and blue.



Size: 12''x12''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: I wanted to make a cutout vinyl of the album "Would You Lay With Me (in a Field of Stone)" by Tanya Tucker.


Process: I made wedding rings and flowers wilting to symbolize love and life after time because the song was about wedding vows and being together forever.


Tru Blu

Size: 8.5''x11''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: I wanted to make a binder, poster, and t-shirt with the same theme of Tru Blu but using all the flag designs I created.


Process: The themes I did for all of these were red, white, and blue. Stars, lines, and geometric. I also made the T-shirt look like a medal because we are all winners.​




Size: 10''x12''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: I wanted to make a gift for my mom because she has been through a lot in the past year. Her dad died when she was 10 years old, and her mother just died this year. I wanted to represent her parents with a gift. Growing up my grandpa has been represented as a butterfly that symbolizes life and my grandma represents a ladybug that symbolizes luck. My mom's favorite flower is plumeria. So, putting all this together this shows that my grandpa is waiting for my grandma at the top of the plumeria which symbolizes Heaven.


Veterans Day Concert

Size: 8.5''x11''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: I wanted to make a poster that made you look through it.


Process: I gave it direction and motion by using the stars to lead to the flags that will lead you to the bottom of the poster. I made a flag effect with the words to give the veteran look.



Size: 8.5''x11''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: I wanted to make a Crabfest shirt with a very beach-like vibe.


Process: Made a bucket with the title with a crab hanging on it with sunglasses and a sand shovel on its claws which leads you from the top to the bottom.



Thank You Tote Bag

Size: 8.5''x11''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: I wanted my "thank you tote bag" to be about gratitude and appreciation.


Process: I did a silhouette of two hands reaching for each other for aid. I made it clean and simple with warm and cold, big and small fonts, and script and serif fonts for contrast. For the Valentines version, I added a somewhat spiral of hearts representing sending love to each other with more of a pastel pink color and with bold fonts so that they stick out to send a message.



Font Poster

Size: 8.5''x11''​

Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: I chose Didot as my font to do a presentation on and played with the name and used "dot" as my theme for this poster.


Process: I covered dots with letters around the poster to give a polka-dot pattern. I used some letters as by base for information about the font and its origin.



Typography Vocabulary

Size: 11''x8.5''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: Justified was a good idea to use for my name because I can do something interesting with it. I also wanted the vibe of a flash card.


Process: Since my adjective was justified, I justified my name to give the effect of justification. I used pencil strokes to emphasize the vibe of a flash card. I did the same theme for my Didot version but gave it more of a modern look.


Font Size Adjective

Size: 8.5''x11''​


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: Since the font I chose looks geometric I wanted to give that vibe.


Process: For the first version I made it look like a ball, so I bent some of the words to give a round look. For the second version I did the same thing but make it look like a triangle by stacking the letters on top of each other as the colors get darker or heavier.


My Font

Size: 11''x17''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: I just wanted to make a basic layout of my font and letters.


Process: I had the title on a pin, laid out the alphabet of my font, and used a paper note that would usually be stabbed with a push pin.


My Font Adjective

Size: 11''x8.5''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: I used the word "Balanced" to represent my font.


Process: I made a pin for the letters to "balance" on and I actually had to use physics to think how the letters would hang on the pin.



Wood Block

Size: 8.5''x11''


Medium: Laser Printer 


Ideas:  I wanted to turn my font into a letter stamp.


Process: I used a laser printer to laser cut my wood blocks to create a letter stamp.



Font Inspiration Trifold

Size: 11''x8.5''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator, InDesign


Ideas: I wanted to make my trifold about the creation of my font "Pinti" using my old projects and I wanted it to be glow-in-the-dark themed.


Process: I had to recolor and edit my old projects so they can fit the glow in the dark theme and I took a picture of a pin in UV light to get that glow-in-the-dark vibe.



Personal Logo 2.0

Size: 10''x10''


Medium: Adobe Illustrator 


Ideas: I wanted to update my personal logo, so I wanted to change it into something cleaner and symbolic.


Process: I made an H out of the letter J to represent my initials and used it as an iris of an eye to symbolize that I have a vision when it comes to designing.

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